Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Weds 1/7/09

Last night while Katie (dd) was at Girl Scouts I worked on my flag stone lap size quilt. I don't know while I call it a flag stone quilt, it is not the right colors. The pattern just reminds me of a flag stone walkway. Hopefully, I'll post of picture of the Work in Process soon.

After Katie came home, I made a huge pot of chicken vegetable soup for tonight's Soup & Salad dinner at church. I tasted it and it sure was good. I dropped it off at the church on the way in to work this morning. Hopefully there will still be some there by the time I get there after work.

I spent my lunch hour today looking for a quilt guild. I looked on line and will be calling the shops near home to see what they recommend. The last guild I belonged to was in 1985 in the north Chicago suburbs. I can't even remember the name anymore.

1 comment:

  1. Would that have been NSQG, Northwest Suburban quilter guild? I gave several programs and workshops for them. Also there is IQI.
